
Trakiyski universitet - DIPKU- Bulgaria
The Department for Information and In-Service Teacher Training is one of the main units of Trakia University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. DIITT activities include: introducing the new learning contents; training in methodological and didactical issues in teaching school subjects; introducing modern methods and ICT into the educational process; organization of qualification and specialization for teachers; language training of pedagogical personnel; development of educational products; organizing of annual pedagogical forum and conference. DIITT conducts a various research and experimental work in the educational sphere: work in constructive teams, development of educational programs, didactic literature, and textbooks for the Bulgarian schools. DIITT implemented a number of projects funded by PHARE, and participated in the FP6 projects BulRMCNet, REKS and U*NIGHT 2006 and in the FP7 project REGGAE 2007, now DITT implements the LLP project CCLL - Comenius Network (2007-2009).

Sdruzhenie Centar za tvorchesko obuchenie - Bulgaria
Center for Creative Training Association (CCTA) is a non-profit association, established with the aim to work for a change in the field of education and training – a change to practical education which effectively masters key competencies and helps learners to enhance their potential for successful professional and social realization. CCT activities are focused on lifelong learning and youth activities, as well as on introducing a holistic approach in the general education: an approach that addresses synchronically the physical, Mental and social aspects of the learner’s personality.

Space Camp Turkey - Turkey
As a space and science education center, Space Camp Turkey is primarily focused on motivating young people from around the world in pursuing careers in science, math and technology. Through interactive, space-related simulations, both youth and adults also learn about communication, teamwork and leadership in a dynamic, fun-filled environment. Programs at Space Camp Turkey focus on simulators to give participants the sensations of working and living in space. The team of the Space Camp Turkey packs years of mission training into 2 to 10-Day programs. Space Camp Turkey is recognized as a science institution by the Turkish Ministry of Education, also licensed with the Alabama Space Science Exhibit Commission, headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama. Space Camp Turkey is a member of the following school organizations: NESA - Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools, CEESA - Central and Eastern European Schools Association, ECIS - European Council of International Schools.

WSINF – Wyzsza Szkola Informatyki - Poland
Academy of IT in Lodz is a private university established in 1997. It educates 5500 students in Łodź and in 3 divisions in Bydgoszcz, Włocławek and Opatówek at B.A. and M.A. level. Its faculties: Computer Science, Econometrics, Educational Studies, Computer Graphics, Economy, Physical Education, Interior Architecture and Physiotherapy. In 2006 WSINF introduced e-learning providing M.A. studies in IT on-line. Apart from regular educational offer WSINF is an active adult and vocational learning centre providing post-diploma studies, IT courses and qualifications and professional language courses at the Foreign Languages Department-CITY & GUILDS Approved English Language Certification Centre. WSINF edits numerous scientific publications, its staff is involved in relevant R&D projects, conferences, seminars and workshops at national and international level. WSINF co-operates on regular basis with companies from the region, which facilitates employment after graduation.

Polo Europeo della Conoscenza – IC Lorenzi - Italy
The Polo Europeo della Conoscenza - European Pole of Knowledge is a network of schools, associations and institutions – hosted by IC Lorenzi and supported by the Regional Council, which is working for the European social integration. Its main field of activity, with its schools and associations at Regional level, is to promote the European dimension and integration through European and extra - European workshops, seminars, conferences, partnerships and projects. The European Pole of Knowledge is planning "umbrella" activities" involving the greatest possible number of schools and institution in the consortium. The European Pole of Knowledge works in every field of education, from ITC to in-service training courses for teachers, from Kindergartens to adult education in prison and in rural areas. It works mainly on social exclusion, fighting against xenophobia and racism, training of students and drop outs, intercultural learning and youth workers' training project.

IC “B.Lorenzi” – Fumane VR
IC Vr 15 Borgo Venezia – “A.Forti”
IC Vr 15 Borgo Venezia – “Carducci”
IC Vr 15 Borgo Venezia – “A.Manzoni”

Universitetet I Stavanger - Norway
The University of Stavanger has 1000 employees and 8000 students, 2500 in the Faculty of Arts and Education . Educational research and practical educational training is a strong feature of the UiS. The ability to question, to wonder and to challenge established facts which has played key role in all progress is one of the features of UiS as institution. UiS’s institutional mission is to challenge facts and explore the unknown, gain insight, find wisdom, to benefit society at large, their students and staff. The Faculty of Arts and Education represents something novel among Norwegian Universities. Profession-oriented study programs such as general teacher’s training and the pre-school teacher’s training have been incorporated into a university. It also includes two centers of expertise with national responsibility for research into reading sciences and behaviour. The centers strengthen the education community at the University of Stavanger, and include expertise on subject didactics.